maandag 14 december 2015

                                                                    My Other Me

My Other Me 
My other me lives in another land
just the other side of the sea.
She enjoys a quiet and peaceful life
relaxed, happy and free.
My other me has not to live her life
by another's schedule or a clock.
She can leisurely take her time
and go cycling or for a walk.
My other me understands "Quality over Quantity"
as more than just a phrase.
She embraces every second
of those few and precious days.
My other me knows a love
that can outlast the passing of time.
She feels that a life without him
is a cruel and tragic crime.
My other me is not just a person
that I occasionally like to see.
She is the persona of what my heart
desires to someday be. 
Trisha Holston

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